Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

Active / Passive Verb Forms

Active / Passive Verb Forms Sentences can be active or passive. Therefore, tenses also have "active forms" and "passive forms." You must learn to recognize the difference to successfully speak English. Active Form In active sentences, the thing doing the action is the subject of the sentence and the thing receiving the action is the object. Most sentences are active. [Thing doing action] + [verb] + [thing receiving action] Examples: Passive Form In passive sentences, the thing receiving the action is the subject of the sentence and the thing doing the action is optionally included near the end of the sentence. You can use the passive form if you think that the thing receiving the action is more important or should be emphasized. You can also use the passive form if you do not know who is doing the action or if you do not want to mention who is doing the action. [Thing receiving action] + [be] + [past participle of verb] + [by] + [thing doing action] Examples: Active / Passive Overview Active Passive Simple Present Once a week, Tom cleans the house. Once a week, the house is cleaned by Tom. Present Continuous Right now, Sarah is writing the letter. Right now, the letter is being written by Sarah. Simple Past Sam repaired the car. The car was repaired by Sam. Past Continuous The salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the store. The customer was being helped by the salesman when the thief came into the store. Present Perfect Many tourists have visited that castle. That castle has been visited by many tourists. Present Perfect Continuous Recently, John has been doing the work. Recently, the work has been being done by John. Past Perfect George had repaired many cars before he received his mechanic's license. Many cars had been repaired by George before he received his mechanic's license. Past Perfect Continuous Chef Jones had been preparing the restaurant's fantastic dinners for two years before he moved to Paris. The restaurant's fantastic dinners had been being prepared by Chef Jones for two years before he moved to Paris. Simple Future will Someone will finish the work by 5:00 PM. The work will be finished by 5:00 PM. Simple Future be going to Sally is going to make a beautiful dinner tonight. A beautiful dinner is going to be made by Sally tonight. Future Continuous will At 8:00 PM tonight, John will be washing the dishes. At 8:00 PM tonight, the dishes will be being washed by John. Future Continuous be going to At 8:00 PM tonight, John is going to be washing the dishes. At 8:00 PM tonight, the dishes are going to be being washed by John. Future Perfect will They will have completed the project before the deadline. The project will have been completed before the deadline. Future Perfect be going to They are going to have completed the project before the deadline. The project is going to have been completed before the deadline. Future Perfect Continuous will The famous artist will have been painting the mural for over six months by the time it is finished. The mural will have been being painted by the famous artist for over six months by the time it is finished. Future Perfect Continuous be going to The famous artist is going to have been painting the mural for over six months by the time it is finished. The mural is going to have been being painted by the famous artist for over six months by the time it is finished. Used to Jerry used to pay the bills. The bills used to be paid by Jerry. Would Always My mother would always make the pies. The pies would always be made by my mother. Future in the Past Would I knew John would finish the work by 5:00 PM. I knew the work would be finished by 5:00 PM. Future in the Past Was Going to I thought Sally was going to make a beautiful dinner tonight. I thought a beautiful dinner was going to be made by Sally tonight.

Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2012

Elliptical Construction

Elliptical Construction ________________________________________ Elliptical atau Elipsis adalah penghilangan kata atau sejumlah kata dari suatu kalimat yang bertujuan agar kalimat menjadi lebih pendek dan lebih baik susunannya. Susunan Elipsis sering digunakan banyak orang baik dalam percakapan maupun dalam bentuk tulisan. Semua ini ditujukan untuk menyingkat kalimat dan memperindah susunan kalimat namun tidak merubah makna dan arti sama sekali. Bayangkan kalau kita membaca sebuah buku dan buku itu berisi kalimat-kalimat yang tidak perlu. Tentu kita akan bosan membacanya. Oleh karena itu, maka Susunan Elipsis ini penting untuk dipelajari. 1. POSITIVE ELLIPTIC Apabila dalam sebuah kalimat positif kita mendapati predikat yang sama, maka kita sebaiknya menggunakan kata "too" atau "so" yang artinya "juga": Perhatikan cara menggabungkan beberapa kalimat di bawah ini agar menjadi lebih singkat dan tersusun rapi, namun tidak merubah arti sama sekali. 1. He is busy. I am busy (= He is busy and I am too) (= He is busy and so am I) 2. Mary is beautiful. You are beautiful (= Mary is beautiful and you are too) (= Mary is beautiful and so are you) 3. My brother can swim well. You can swim well (= My brother can swim well and you can too) (= My brother can swim well and so can you) 4. Alex buys a new car. Henry buys a news car. (= Alex buys a new car and Henry does too) (= Alex buys a new car and so does Henry) 5. Jack went to Bali yesterday. William went to Bali yesterday. (= Jack went to Bali yesterday and William did too) (= Jack went to Bali yesterday and so did William) 2. NEGATIVE ELLIPTIC Apabila dalam sebuah kalimat negatif kita mendapati predikat yang sama, maka kita sebaiknya menggunakan kata "either" atau "neither" yang artinya "juga tidak": 1. Ed doesn't like mango. George doesn't like mango. (= Ed doesn't like mango and George doesn't either) (= Ed doesn't like mango and neither does George ) 2. My father won't come there. I won't come there. (= My father won't come there and I won't either) (= My father won't come there and neither will I) 3. She never comes here. He never comes here. (= She never comes here and he doesn't either) (= She never comes here and neither does he) CATATAN Ada beberapa adverbs of frequency yang dianggap negatif seperti: 1. never 2. seldom 3. rarely 4. few 5. hardly 6. barely 7. scarely 8. litlle 9. dll 3. CONTRARY ELLIPTIC Untuk susunan yang berlawanan, kita dapat menggunakan kata "but" yang artinya "tetapi": 1. Stephanie is clever. Her sister isn't clever (= Stephanie is clever but her sister isn't) 2. She does not have a pen. I have a pen. (= She does not have a pen but I do) BEBERAPA TEMPAT TERJADINYA SUSUNAN ELIPSIS 1. Menghilangkan Subjek dan atau Auxiliary/Modal 1. Mr. Hunt ate a piece of bread for breakfast and (he) drank a cup of coffee. (= kata "he" sebaiknya dihilangkan karena tidak perlu pengulangan subjek) 2. My servant has swept the floor, (my servant has) washed the dishes, and (my servant has) cooked our lunch. (= "my servant has" selalu berulang-ulang. Oleh karena itu, sebaiknya dihilangkan) 3. To save the time, you should clean the house and Mary (should) cook the meal. 2. Menghilangkan Predikat 1. I work at school and my wife (works) at a bank. 2. Jack will visit the church, while Ahmad (will visit) the mosque. 3. Menghilangkan Objek Langsung 1. Why do you open (the door) and (you) close the door?

Question Tag

Question Tag ________________________________________ Question Tag adalah pertanyaan pendek yang ada di akhir kalimat. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, mungkin kita sering mendengar orang berkata, kamu terlambat, kan?. Nah kata "kan?" di sini disebut dengan question tag dalam bahasa Inggris. Pada topic ini kita akan membahas tentang: • Positive Statement • Negative Statement • Imperative Statement 1. Positive Statement Rumus: (+) statement, (-) tag? a. Dengan Kata Bantu (Auxiliary) Contoh: • You are the new secretary, aren't you? (bukan are not you?) • George can swim well, can't he? • I am going to go to the cinema with you, aren't I? (bukan amn't I) • Susie has phoned you, hasn't she? Catatan penting: • Jika kita dapat melihat adanya kata Bantu (is, am, are, was, were, do, does, did, has, have, had, will, would, can, could, shall, should, may, might, atau must), maka gunakan saja kata Bantu tersebut sebagai tagnya. • Tag negative harus dibentuk dengan singkatan. Pengguaan not yang terpisah dari kata bantunya tidak umum dalam Question tag. • Jika subjek kalimatnya I, dan kata bantunya am, maka tagnya adalah aren't I? bukan "amn't I" sebab penyingkatan ini tidak standard dalam bahasa Inggris. • Berhati-hatilah dengan penyingkatan kata Bantu. Perhatikan contoh kalimat-kalimat berikut ini: • She's afraid to stay alone, isn't she? • She's called the police, hasn't she? Pada kalimat pertama, she's = she is, sebab diikuti oleh kata sifat, sedangkan pada kalimat kedua she's = she has, sebab diikuti oleh kata kerja bentuk ke-3 (Present Perfect Tense) b. Tanpa Kata Bantu (Auxiliary) Contoh: • They invited you to their party, didn't they? • She read the novel, didn't she? • She reads the novel, doesn't she? • Somebody knocked at the door, didn't they? • You think I will be fired, don't you? • I believe you will pass the exam, won't you? Catatan penting: • Jika tidak ada auxiliary (kata Bantu) di dalam kalimat statement-nya, maka gunakan do, does, atau did, tergantung dari tenses-nya. • Berhati-hati dengan kata kerja Irregular Verbs, terutama yang memiliki bentuk yang sama seperti contoh kalimat no. 2 dan 3 di atas. • Somebody/someone, anybody/anyone, everybody/everyone, these/those dianggap menjadi "they" dalam tagnya. • Something, anything, everything, this/that dianggap menjadi "it" dalam tagnya. • Jika statement-nya terdiri dari induk dan anak kalimat, maka tag-nya diambil dari induk kalimatnya (contoh kalimat ke-5), kecuali jika induk kalimatnya dimulai dengan I, maka tag-nya diambil dari anak kalimatnya (contoh kalimat ke-6). Hal ini sangat masuk akal kita, kan tidak lucu kalau kita bertanya pada diri kita sendiri. (Saya percaya kamu akan lulus ujian, ya kan? - tetapi ya kan-nya ditujukan pada diri sendiri) 2. Negative Statement Negative statement jauh lebih mudah dibandingkan dengan positive statement karena kita sudah melihat adanya kata Bantu di dalam statement-nya. Kita tinggal memindahkan kata Bantu tersebut ke dalam tagnya. Negative statement biasanya sering dipakai untuk meminta tolong atau meminta informasi tentang sesuatu/seseorang. Rumus: (-) Statement, (+) tag Contoh: • There isn't any news, is there? • My parents won't go to Bali with you, will they? • Nobody wants to go with you, do they? • Everybody does not bring their homework, do they? • You never come to her dormitory, do you? Catatan penting: • Nobody, nothing dianggap negative • Nobody dianggap menjadi they dalam tagnya dan nothing dianggap menjadi it dalam tagnya. • Hati-hati jangan sampai terlena dengan kata Bantu yang nampak dalam statement-nya. Perhatikan contoh kalimat no. 3 dan 4. Kata kerjanya seolah-olah adalah tunggal dan seharusnya menggunakan does, namun mengapa tag-nya menggunakan do? Sebab nobody dan everybody dianggap they dalam tag-nya. • Never, seldom, barely, little, few, dll dianggap negative (contoh kalimat no. 5) • Namun ingat, a few, dan a little dianggap positive. 3. Imperative Statement Imperative statement biasanya digunakan untuk meminta dan menyuruh orang lain untuk mengerjakan sesuatu. Ada juga yang berfungsi untuk melarang dan mengajak orang lain. Tag yang digunakan adalah: • Will you, won't you, would you, could you, can you, dll yang sejenis. Penggunaannya tergantung dari situasi kalimatnya dan tingkat kesopanan statement yang disampaikan. Misalnya kalau meminta orang lain untuk mengerjakan sesuatu, lebih baik gunakan would you atau sejenisnya, dan menyuruh seseorang dengan nada marah, maka can you akan lebih cocok digunakan daripada would you. • Sedangkan untuk let's, tag yang digunakan adalah shall we? Contoh: • Sit down, would you? • Let's do it again, shall we? • Don't disturb me, can't you? Catatan penting: Penggunaan tag di atas sama penggunaanya dan dapat digantikan dengan please. Contoh: • Sit down, please? • Let's do it again, please? • Don't disturb me, please? 4. Ellipsis Question Tag Berhati-hatilah dengan penggunaan Question tag, khususnya jika kita tidak dapat melihat adanya subjek kalimat dalam statement-nya. Untuk itu, kita perlu memahami dan mencermati bahwa subjek kalimat statement-nya sebenarnya ada, namun hilang (ellipsis). Perhatikan contoh kalimat-kalimat berikut ini: • Nice day, isn't it? • Difficult, aren't they? • Talking about me, aren't you? • Fine, aren't you?

Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012

contoh soal tes UKG mapel b.inggris jenjang SMP/MTs

Contoh Soal Tes UKG Bahasa Inggris SMP - Inilah contoh soal tes uji kompetensi guru (UKG) mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP (Sekolah Menengah Pertama) yang dapat Anda download secara gratis. Kali ini lebahndut akan mencoba menghadirkan kisi-kisi contoh soal UKG mapel bahasa inggris untuk Anda Bapak dan Ibu guru SMP. Cntoh soal tes UKG Bahasa Inggris SMP Berikut ini adalah contoh soal tes Bahasa Inggris jenjang SMP untuk uji kompetensi guru. Choose the correct answer. 1. I saw the coach on the field after the game, and he seemed …… A. real angry B. very angrily C. angrily D. angry 2. Doreen was so furious that she almost stopped playing the piano because her teacher insisted that she …… her scales A. to practice B. practice C. practicing D. practiced 3. Little Mary did not go to the party. I understand that she was unhappy that ….. A. she could not go B. she would not be able to go C. can’t go D. is not able to go 4. I am still here because I …… my plane to Jakarta. A. just miss B. just am missing C. just missed D. almost missed 5. Ms. Conover? She is the person …… to that man in the corner. A. who is talking B. which is talking C. who talks D. who talked 6. The parcels I just brought into the house …… on the table. A. are laying B. are lying C. lying D. laying 7. The workers are all gone. Because of the bad weather, the boss permitted them …… early. A. leave B. to leaving C. to be going D. to leave 8. Many people have seen that film several times. I saw it and found it not very …… A. interested B. interesting C. of interest D. interest 9. The bank refused to cash your check because you …… it. A. don’t sign B. didn’t sign C. are not signing D. shall not sign 10. Son, I’d really like you …… a little harder in school. A. studying B. to be studying C. study D. to study 11. He has just finished fixing the door and it looks as though …… a very hard job. A. to be B. it was C. it must have been D. it must be 12. How was your weekend, Terry? It …. well. A. Go B. goes C. Going D. went 13. Probably …… little oil left under the North Sea by the year of 2010. A. will be B. there will be C. it will be D. will there be 14. Do you like these trousers? No, …. look very nice. A. it doesn’t B. that doesn’t C. they don’t D. there don’t 15. Napoleon …… the West Indian Island of Santo Domingo in 1801. A. Attacking B. attacked C. is attacking D. has attacked 16. On Mercator’s maps, the far northern and southern polar regions are…… A. greatly exaggerated in area B. exaggerating greatly in area C. greatly exaggerate in area D. great exaggeration in area 17. Reading is your hobby, ….? A. aren’t you B. are you C. is it D. isn’t it 18. …… , the match had to be postponed. A. Because snowing B. Because was snowing C. Because there was snowing D. Because it was snowing 19. When I looked into his room, he …. soundly in his bed. A. slept B. was sleeping C. was slept D. had slept 20. Is it necessary …. the book immediately ? A. for him to return B. that he return C. his returning D. him to return 21. Lightning rarely …… twice in the same place. A. is striking B. strikes C. does it strike D. it strikes 22. The new teacher in our class …. the exercises. A. made the students do B. has the students doing C. gets the students do D. made the students to do 23. The package containing books and records …. last week. A. is delivered B. was delivered C. are delivered D. were delivered 24. The two new students …. during the coffee break. A. being acquainted B. got acquainted C. acquainting themselves D. made known to each other 25. …. five laps around the track, Kenny was too tired to attend his English class. A. To run B. He ran C. After running D. Running 26. Not only ……, but he also owned a movie studio. A. Hughes owned Las Vegas hotels B. did Hughes own Las Vegas hotels C. owned Hughes Las Vegas hotels D. Las Vegas hotels owned Hughes 27. …. if we walk on the grass ? A. Do you want B. Are you minded C. Do you mind D. Do you think 28. It’s Robert’s job …. the dogs and put out the cats. A. food B. to feed C. having fed D. has fed 29. People usually can get a sufficient amount of the calcium their bodies …… from the food they consume. A. need B. needs C. needing D. to need 30. We are proud …. the success of our effort. A. to announce B. announcing C. for announcing D. to be announcing 31. It would be disastrous …. that. A. for John doing B. for John to do C. for John did D. for John do 32. So far there is no vaccine …… in sight for the common cold. A. or cure B. has cured C. or curing D. having cured 33. One of the librarian’s duties …. helping students. A. Are B. is C. has to be D. will 34. When did she dial the operator ? A. Tomorrow morning. B. After she finishes her study. C. Next week. D. After she had had dinner. 35. Only one foreign student …. Indonesian food yet. A. isn’t used to eat B. isn’t used to eating C. isn’t used to be eating D. didn’t use to eating 36. In the past, the elderly couple …. than stayed at home. A. would rather travel B. would have rather travelled C. would rather travelled D. would rather have travelled 37. I want to see you tomorrow. What …. at ten o’clock tomorrow ? A. will you do B. will you be doing C. have you done D. are you going to do 38. This morning I …. the book there. A. couldn’t find B. could not be found C. cannot find D. can find 39. Kitchen appliances called blenders became …… in the 1930s, when Stephen J. Poplawski developed a machine that xcelled at making his favorite drink. A. Establish B. establishing C. established D. which establish 40. Our furniture …. of excellent teak. A. Makes B. is made C. is making D. has made

Menghilangkan Nawala Project

Cara Merubah DNS Supaya Tidak Terblokir Oleh Nawala Project PERHATIAN !! MOHON JANGAN DISALAH GUNAKAN TULISAN INI UNTUK KEPERLUAN PORNOGRAFI, JUDI, SPAM ATAU SARA Wah lama nich tak ngeblog lagi karena kesibukan kuliah. Baiklah kali ini saya ingin menjawab salah satu pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh pengunjung blog ini dari wongjembero tentang bagaimana menghindari dari blokiran project nawala. Telah kita ketahui sebelumnya bahwa pemerintah akhir akhir ini mengetatkan program pengawasan dunia maya melalui layanan ISP provider yang kita pakai saat ini, sehingga banyak website yang terblokir yang di dalamnya melanggar “konten konten” yang melanggar aturan, Konten konten tersebut bisa berupa gambar yang Hot, Syur, pornografi, Perjudian, Bisnis Ilegal, Spam, atau website yang mengandung artikel SARA. Tetapi imbasnya banyak juga web yang tidak mengandung konten tersebut tetapi terblokir oleh pihak nawala. Nah agar tidak terblokir ikuti tips berikut ini Yuk lanjutt… Tutorial setting DNS untuk menghindari nawala Project pada Windows 7 supaya website tidak terblokir 1. Klik start > Control Panel. Pilih “Network and Internet” > pilih “Network Sharing and Center” > Klik “Change adapter Setting” pada side kiri 2. Pilih Koneksi yang anda pakai misalnya di sini saya menggunakan Provider ISP 3 > Klik kanan Properties 3. Setelah kotak dialog properties muncul > Pilih tab Networking > Pilih IPV4 4. Kemudian Klik Properties > Kemudian pilih “Use the following DNS Server adresses” 5. Isikan Prefered DNS Server: dan Alternate DNS Server lalu Klik OK Untuk membuktikannya silahkan agan membuka web yang terblokir tadi Insya Allah Terbuka, sekali lagi gunakan artikel ini yang bermanfaat yah, Mari kita ciptakan INTERNET SEHAT Sekian Wassalam Catatan: Ubah settingan ke automatically jika ingin merubah settingan ke semula

Ujian Ulang I Periode 2

Ujian Ulang I Periode 2
Sertifikasi Guru rayon 116 Universitas Jember ♦ Agustus 7, 2012 ♦ 18 Komentar Ujian Ulang I Periode 2 bagi peserta PLPG Periode 6 – 7 dilaksanakan pada tanggal 11 Agustus 2012, mulai Pukul 8, Ujian Ulang Praktik mulai pukul 12.30, Undangan Ujian Ulang I Periode 2 : Undangan Ujian Ulang I Periode 2 Daftar peserta Ujian Ulang I periode 2 : Peserta Ujian Ulang I Periode 2 Peserta Ujian Ulang I Periode 2 Konfirmasi Good luch Bapak/Ibu, semoga sukses

PLPG Kemenag Rayon 116

PLPG Kemenag Sertifikasi Guru rayon 116 Universitas Jember ♦ Agustus 9, 2012 ♦ 17 Komentar Beberapa hal terkait pelaksanaan sertfikasi guru Kementerian Agama dapat dibaca lebih detail disini : Info PLPG PLPG Kemenag Insya Allah dilaksanakan dalam 3 periode dengan rincian sebagai berikut : Periode 1 : Tanggal 27 Agustus – 5 Sept 2012; Periode 2 : tanggal 31 Agt – 9 Sept Periode 3 : Tanggal 6 – 15 Sept 2012 Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat PLPG lihat menu ketentuan peserta Bagi peserta klarifikasi berkas PLPG yang belum hadir harap segera mengklarifikasi dokumen : Peserta Klarifikasi Terakhir Daftar peserta UKA susulan terakhir : Peserta UKA susulan Terakhir Undangan PLPG Kementerian Agama : Undangan PLPG Kemenag Daftar peserta dan penginapan peserta PLPG : Peserta PLPG Kemenag Check ini di penginapan (bagi peserta yang menginap) pada hari pertama PLPG pukul 14.00 di tempat yang telah ditentukan. Pelaksanaan di Kampus FKIP Unej. Bagi yang tidak menginap, kegiatan dimulai pukul 07.00 keesokan harinya di lokasi yang telah ditentukan Kepada semua peserta diharuskan untuk mendownload modul “Kebijakan Pengembangan Profesi Guru” pada website